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Best-Selling Author and Speaker Maureen Orey Releases 
Revised Version of “Communications Skills Training” Book

San Diego, CA, October 28, 2014 -- Maureen Orey, President of Workplace Learning and Performance Group, has announced a revised version of “Communication Skills Training” book. The book is published by the Association of Talent Development (ATD), which will be officially released on November 21, 2014. 

“Communication Skills Training” is part of a business workshop series offered by the Association of Talent Development. The 200-page paperback book offers tools and methods to people who are interested in training others in the art of communication. 

Maureen Orey has written another book with the Association of Talent Development titled “Successful Staffing in a Diverse Workplace: A Practical Guide to Building an Effective and Diverse Staff”. Orey is also the author of “111 Ideas For an Influential Presentation”, which was co-written with Kimberly Seeger.

"Communication skills is an important part of any business relationship. We spend the majority of our waking life communicating with others - whether it’s through email, text message, social media, and more. Miscommunication amongst co-workers or between employees and customers happen more often than we realize," says Orey. "Knowing how to interact with people and delivering messages in an effective manner can have a major impact on the success of any business." 

A survey conducted by Hart Research Associates in 2013 revealed that 93 percent of employers value good communications skills over an individual’s college major. The survey also showed that 75% of employers are emphasizing effective oral communication skills when hiring employees. 

“Someone who desires to teach people communication skills should be able to present information in a clear and concise manner. “Communications Skills Training” offers this training in an organized, yet flexible and practical format,” says Orey. 

“Communication Skills Training” is now available for pre-order on For more information about the book, visit: 
